First of all, without a doubt, filming is not an easy job especially when you are working as a Writer, then Producer, Director, Cinematographer,
and even Editor. what else left behind to take care of hell of responsibilities to maintain the taste of the production and keep the production flow straight.

A big big thanks come on the top without having a second thought, Allah the All-Mighty, and we without a doubt owe countless thanks for the blessings and gifts from our creator. I mean, think for a second.

then big thanks to my friend Tony Leung, for sponsoring our effort, without his contribution this might have not been done.
Alberto is my one of the best buddy in the industry, we are working ourselves, having fun and want to have lived by having fun what we love to do, so fearlessly we are rolling the shutter, keep moving step by step improving.

Overall it was an amazing fun on the set. Process of the Idea, stages are extremely complicated when it comes to creative part, Writing creative stories, or even re-writing something is not easy, then storyboard, cast, camera, lenses, the film look, style, sounds, cuts, post, what else, restless energy. and it pays off when we come to know someone liked our effort.

More will be here behind the scene soon, i need to take care of the final product of this short.
Enjoy and stay creative folks.

Uzair Sipra