Challenges in small budget Filmmaking!

These challenges are tough, yesterday we prepared ourselves for Shoot if you only know as a director how much stress you take on the set? especially when it is low budget production, for the big-budget production, stress is still there even becomes greater responsibility to watch over all each corner to avoid any mistakes in the takes.
ok, let's see some of the basic yet very important steps or a section.
1. Gaffer (keep in mind all the cables, electricity, lights, switches, batteries, are fully charged and nothing is missing even a small tiny connector.
2. Cinematographer.
White balance sheets, Lenses, Adapters, Filters, Media kits, Monitors,
3. Grip
Stands, Tripods, Sliders, Rails, Cranes or Jibs if needed, matt boxes grips, etc.
4. Director
keep with Script Storyboard, rehearsals on set, actors, and overall crew.
but yesterday we spent our whole day and middle of nowhere someone came and made to reshoot everting on a different location so today already have spent another 3 hours to hunt the location, set the storyboard accordingly, prepare schedule (mini call-sheet) to avoid any trouble and to stay on the date, time and hours. now with this responsibility, you move on to complete your storyboard and then finally post-production process.
and finally delivering to the viewers and audience.
We must stay motivated, and the patient to have the best end result on the screen to enjoy the production.
I am in needing of new faces, in coming up episodes, faces from all ethnicities and different age groups.