FOLEY for Man of Stainless Steel English | اردو | 中文 I am so grateful, Finally, I can take time and Produce, Direct and work with people till now are very understanding and became dear friends. Ep01 is now on Post-production process while we have started Ep0…
Challenges in small budget Filmmaking! T hese challenges are tough, yesterday we prepared ourselves for Shoot if you only know as a director how much stress you take on the set? especially when it is low budget production, for the big-budget production,…
Man of Stainless Steel? S o, I have been working on to push the limits to produce a real Cinematic Entertainment. The only thing which keeps pushing me is to sooner or later I want to tell the story through my visual art through Cinema and International Networks…
MAN OF STAINLESS STEEL First of all, without a doubt, filming is not an easy job especially when you are working as a Writer, then Producer, Director, Cinematographer, and even Editor. what else left behind to take care of hell of responsibilities to maintain …
English اردو 中文 I must thank Alberto Calvet for his contribution on this project, we did not shoot any short film uploaded Curve the Bullet, with small amount of subscribers on my Youtube Channel, now its crossing 20k views. Filming is not easy, some…
We live in a busy lifestyle, I would say, we are growing within panic around us, we totally forget the main blessings, to see, eat, taste, feel, emotions, walk, breath, you even can not count, they are just countless and yet we only realize when we are starting to lo…
Time to prepare for our shoots The script is ready, Script treatment is almost done, I love this practice which is keeping on the track properly to avoid any mistake on the set when the time comes to shoot the movie. My old buddy who worked with me when I was run…
1. English 2. اردو 3. 中文 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My thoughts this morning and I'm worried; October 13, Sunday 2019 Morning آج صبح میرے خیالات اور میں پریشا…
4:40am Hong Kong Sunday Morning; For two straight days and nights, I have been needing of a transformation of my flat line into a creative mode and fixing my own script and storyboard of our upcoming shorts. For two straight days and nights, I have been needing a …
My Weekly Update. Tonight 10:00pm on Youtube Premiere. I will be live in the Chatroom to answer if anyone has any question. Thank you!
who have missed my YouTube Premiere, can watch now. the only difference of YouTube Premiere and regular video is, live chat with video creator. hope you will enjoy my video. Thank You!
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